
Resources and Reflections

Friday, January 01, 2010

2010's tasks,considerations, new things...and training

During x-mas break we transferred LES and LHS staff over to login/user accounts and this means you will be able to login and have a profile with lots of space for your work/data. It also means your profile is on the server and backed up – and if your computer died tomorrow, don’t fret about lost data - it is on the server! Oh, and the server(s) now has/have many backup devices including network storage and USB devices. You also have file sharing for you and your students and/or staff if desired: It is a great way to save paper since you can have students store their work in a folder either in their profile or yours. Speaking of saving paper (and improving collaboration with staff and students) , we are now a Google school and have access to Google Edu Apps or Google Apps for Education and that means a host of teaching and learning tools and opportunities – and it means students have Gmail. We need to discuss, train and deploy! Also, Macbooks litter the district and the suite of educational tools on them have yet to be maximized. We need to train! Equally exciting, we have a dedicated Apple server called Snow leopard. More about this later.
Also, by the end of January we will deploy Spiceworks an IT management and maintenance service that will allow us to do inventory of our technology hardware and software (there is a concept for ya) and create a helpdesk for tech troubles and work orders.
Finally, we will undergo training for our powerful teleconferencing system –Tanberg- in January. Much more info on this coming your way!

Oh….and we want to deploy the new website by mid Feb 2010.

Consider and/or Do!

  1. Consider Linux as a cost saving tool for 2011-2012
  2. Consider and/or Purchase Moodle server to create a veritable Learning Management System (LMS)
  3. Manage paper consumption and consider paperless: see 15 tools to go paperless and free, customizable textbooks see flexbooks
  4. Consider 1:1 in the district
  5. A PD movement in earnest for technology, differentiating with tech
  6. Devise a middle school technology scope and sequence with proficiency exams…and a Computer Lit course....
  7. Implement Internet safety awareness curriculum asap, esp at LES and LMS
  8. Consider an Info literacy curriculum
  9. Involve kids in tech decision-making
  10. Upgrade to fiber optics with Time Warner to improve cost and speed to LMS and LHS – bye-bye T1 and T3 lines
  11. Adopt collaborative platforms like Ning, Google Apps, and Joomla
  12. Learn and improve data analysis - collect, analyze, aggregate, and manage data, as well as assist teachers in its collection and use to drive instruction. And differentiation via technology


At 2:54 PM , Anonymous speich said...

As we move toward more technology and less paper we need to settle the issue of substitute teachers and laptop usage. It is time to insist that subs be able to supervise students while using their laptops. To develop a technology intensive curriculum and then ban the use of technology when a teacher is not present is contradictory.

At 9:05 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for making Spiceworks a part of your 2010 tasks. We hope the help desk software and network monitoring tools will streamline your network management needs and give you one less item to concern yourself with in the New Year.

Please check in with the IT community for the latest product updates or to ask a question, or drop us a line and let us know if there's anything we can do for you.

-Jason Smith, Spiceworks


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