
Resources and Reflections

Sunday, September 26, 2010

To LFHS students...

Last week I watched my son in the kitchen plan a play date with his cousin from my Blackberry Mobil Phone. What struck me odd was that I found myself looking for the phone chord. And it dawned on me that he was already a digital native – and me, an immigrant (albeit older) still ingrained with yesterday’s technology: It doesn’t stop there: While hiking in the woods we were looking for monarch butterflies near milkweed. A curious 5 year old has many questions – and the mobil Blackberry offered images and solutions to his (our) questions. He will never have to return home, flip open the Brittanica in the shelf, and search for his answers – hours after his hike. Instead, he will ask more questions. And that is his world. Answers are easy to come by and so his learning will be how well he asks questions.

The Macbooks you will be receiving just by their very nature (that they are in your hands) will transform your learning experiences. Your learning experiences are limited only by you.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Scary to be an end-user at RSU36?

Scary to be an end user

NWEA data use will be accessed and assist data driven decision -making like never before
LES teachers have Macbooks and will be logging in and experiencing a wireless environment
LFHS Macbooks for a student 1:1 environment have just rolled in
FileMaker Pro to assist manipulating data will have to be learned
LFMS has digital signage tools for better news and school communication
Faster bandwidth for the district has been completed
iWalkthrough implementation and training is scheduled for collecting data for teacher evals
Students 9 -12 have First Class email and so teachers will explore communication and collaboration tools in the classroom
Videoconferencing equipment from Tanberg awaits use for distance communicating and collaboration

Many of these developments have sprung on us in the past few months. How to deal with it? It will take all of us.