
Resources and Reflections

Friday, October 31, 2008

My favorite Warlick insight from his 2 Cents Worth blog:

"Conservatism and conformity necessitate control, and the spirit and the affect of Web 2.0 are to democratize control and make it personal. When teachers are released from district managed portals, and allowed to shape their own personal learning networks, when they are granted a voice and ear to a global conversation about education, when students begin to take a more active role in affecting the “what” and “how” of their own learning, then education changes, and the barriers between the “classroom” and “world” start to disappear."

For me it answers "Why Web 2.0?" - and this will be its lasting legacy. I believe many Web 2.0 tools will fade to oblivion but not their democratizing nuggets.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Protect technology or empower students?

David Warlck from his 2 Cents Worth blog pointed out the following at Tech Forum:

" “Pay attention to the kids.” This idea was eloquently raised when the discussion shifted over to tech-director as barrier. One of problems agreed upon by many in attendance, was where the district has hired a technology director (or czar) from the industry sector, to maintain its million dollar investment in computers and infrastructure. The problem is that they often (and certainly not always) work toward protecting the technology, rather than working to empower learning."

Without a solid tech infrastructure there is no technology. Much of what I do (as part of a tech team) is ensuring computers work ( updated, protected, maintained, adhered to Erate, etc...). Our tech coordinator and myself would not have blocks if e-rate, administrators, and laws were not an obstacle: to block or educate? - We side with educate every time. There is a middle ground and that is where students need to voice how they believe their technology should be 'policed'. Laying the rules and state and national policies on the table and asking students to work within such a framework would be enlightening and an invaluable experience.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Visit the site below for more goodies:


Monday, October 20, 2008

ACTEM 2008 Reflection

It seems the Web 2.0 buzz has simmered and perhaps teachers have chosen their favorites and using them adequately or maybe they couldn't find a use for them.

I always feel that teachers who become keynote speakers and consultants never provide the samples and pathways for the trench-work when it comes to teaching 21st century literacies. I want to hear and see detailed samples and reflections on unitwith Web 2.0 tools. Instead they inform us why we should use the surfeit of tools and the (yet unseen) benefits of them. Chances are none of these consultants have ever taught using Web 2.0 tools (perhaps some have).

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Why Muse Wordle?

A quick look at this and you can tell what my interest is. A quick look at a word cloud of the Declaration of Independence and you know the significance of people in that document. Make a word cloud of a passage in a book and you may be able to predict, identify, discuss occurences in that chapter; perhaps, even be able to identify the book's theme. Perhaps. Ask a student to copy and paste lyrics from their favorite song and a discussion ensues with that student. Wow! Muse Wordle word clouds and determine how you would use it in your class.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

After-School Program Influences the School Day

The previous two posts were quick tries at Animoto software. Fortunately, I have the luck of experimenting this neat Web 2.0 App. with my After-School Program attendees. If the process works well and I notice student learning and enthusiasm, then i will use it in my Computer Applications class. Here is my lesson idea and format:

A Thematic Presentation: Veteran's Day is in Nov. and we will use a neat slideshow tool to present a show with emotion. The theme is despair...and hope. Specifically, we will focus on Vietnam veterans and those that feel (and have felt) the ravages of war....and its successes. We will use the song "Give Me Something To Believe In" by Poison. Visit lyrics.com for lyrics and http://search.playlist.com and listen to the song - imagine images you might use while listening. So.....create a folder on your desktops called "Veteran images" and search online for images that you think will (symbolically and metaphorically) depict veterans in despair.... and hope. This may require some discussion. Each of you should find 12 powerful images. Each of you will create a show in Animoto. Go to Animoto and view the introductory video. Some of you may have already done this. Cool.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

