
Resources and Reflections

Sunday, October 25, 2009

MLTI News week of Oct 26

Oct 27, 2009 – MLTI Conference Call re: the Macbook image – anything you want changed let me know and we will let MLTI know

On Oct 29, 2009

We will dispense modems to those LMS students who requested them. The instructions for them are found at this link http://www.maine.gov/tools/whatsnew/index.php?topic=MLTIFAQ&id=82065&v=faqfull

PD session with Scott and Craig in the LMS library at 2:15 pm on Oct 29

LMS is registered for webcast sponsored by Maine 121on Oct 29 at 3:15pm and 7:15 pm for session titled “UDL and Accessibility. Built-in Features and Customizations: Make the MLTI Laptops Meet Your and Your Students Needs” See webcast at Maine 121.org and how to join… at Maine 121 How To

Scott and I participated in the Tech Lead Conf in Portland this week. The highlight: the new help desk chat for Apple issues – this is for parents and students as well, so we need to get the word out. Visit http://www.info.apple.com/mlti/ and choose Contact Information and look for Chat Support. It is available 8:00 to 5:30. We also need to devise a ‘Need-to-know’ procedure for this. It would be unfortunate that a call to Apple for an issue doesn't get back to us, esp if the Macbook requires repair. Teachers, students, or parents need to acquire a case number if they call with a Macbook issue.

The roundtable we sat in on discussed tracing stolen laptop procedures – and from what I could gather, it is poorly executed, esp when time is of the essence. Some expressed confusion about who to contact at MLTI regarding issues technology or otherwise. What enlightened me most was the communication among Tech Leads/Teacher leads and staff and students to improve teaching, learning, safety and security. In light of some of the student breaches at LMS, I need to do more to participate in meeting with Team Leaders and staff – and I have already outlined that process. Moreover, we need to kick off training and PD for using all the tech tools we have. I am hoping that the Mimio training by Sue StP. from LFHS is the start of weekly ‘teacher-shares’ and ‘how-to’s’. Finally, Scott and I sat in on more Apple Remote Desktop seminars and will do more with it asap.

6th Grade laptop repairs – These are old laptops and some are experiencing old age symptoms, some fatal. Please inform students that repairs for these will not rank high on the repair priority list since the Tech Dept. (like many others) is stretched thin- and G3/G4’s are not supported by MLTI; that said, Scott and I are deciding on a system for work orders regarding these machines (not the new Macbooks) – soon work orders will be electronic via Help Desk database but we are awaiting infrastructure support for this efficient way to manage assets internally. A` quick solution may be to use the white board in LMS Tech Dept office next to Yo and Brenda.

We have a conferencing system….Now What?

The TANDBERG Teachers Training Teachers Program (T4): Begins…Now!

We know that….

Interactive distance learning enhances the
educational curriculum by leveraging subject
matter experts, extending course offerings to
other districts, and increasing collaboration
among educators, students, and the worldwide

I am working on scheduling a webcast with Lance Ford, a T4 trainer

Finally, I need three people from each school to train for the new school website

Monday, October 19, 2009

Free google apps webinar

Free Googl Apps Webinar

Sunday, October 18, 2009

ACTEM Conference 101609

ACTEM Report

Tanberg Session (the big TV we received from the RUS grant for the LES and the LMS) - It may seem like a new technology to learn but I can tell you that if you can use a remote then you can use the Tanberg. Click on the phone on the remote and dial the number and you are in - provided you scheduled a conference or have been invited to one.

Training: Visit T4.lanceford.com , Live-C and Tanberg Connections program at Tanberg.com as bridge an click 'far end c'

Check about stipend program for 100.00

The Website supporting integrating Tanberg (and this is the key to the world of Tanberg) visit CILC the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration
So...not only do you conference but your students can create content for conferencing, record content to be viewed by anybody, paticipate in Book Groups, share your local culture and environment with those students form around the world....or how about this project - choose school for pen palling and then meet them via a conference. And yes the Tanberg can attach to a DVD player and your computer and so there are limitless ideas there. One could do digital signage, that is, run bulletins or slide shows, etc...

Apple Remote Desktop

I have seen and loaded it on my desktop and now I viewed it from an expert and I want to tell you it is much more than a tool to monitor students' online behavior. Needless to say,though, it will be its primary use in order to maintain safety and collect student use data, especially when it comes to assisting software purchasers. Data about how often a particular piece of software is used can help us decide to maintain a license for it or not.

Technology Directors Roundtable

Here I thought I would sit among some experienced minds and get a feel for issues in other schools. What I discovered is that the range of expertise varies with some people more network savvy than others, some managerial, some more tech integrator, and some very well-rounded.

I did find it confounding that all schools represented at the session were having printing difficulties in their schools - go open source (Open Office) and use original drivers without deluxe features seemed to be the solution. Some schools were grappling the laptop insurance issue and confused about the issue altogether. Transfer and buffer issues with laptops were discussed -apparently the buffer pool has no limits! The majority of schools unblocked YouTube. Parent laptop orientation sessions were poorly attended - until a major incident. Make the switch to gmail - the umaine system just made the switch.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Prof Development: Thoughts for successful PD time

A lot of thought has gone into PD and I have come to the conclusion that removing the barriers - time and money are not possible, so you have to work with those variables.  Also, PD is more tha a one-time training or even sequences of trainings.  Successful PD starts with input from all staff.   PD may focus on a single training but work before and after are as important.  One can't expect to show up at a training and expect to get all one needs - the training session is just an overview - it's what you do before and after that makes PD successful - and it's the support you get from those who know more

Let's decide what we need

Let's focus first on what we have at our disposal - do we know how to use Study Wiz, NoteShare, mimio boards, the suite of Apple tools?  Do we want to?

Let's immerse technology in a way that is unique to us and manageable.

How do we want to use tech to support teaching?

##Remember: one doesn't have to know or master a particular piece of software to support teaching - you will have it support your teaching in the capacity that it meets your needs. Also, it may not meet all your needs so be open to alternative support software.

PD is a personal endeavor supported by a network of resources - human and otherwise, online and offline.

What we need to learn about the software and tools we have will depend on us and how we decide to use it

It's not the tools, it's the pedagogy!

Be mindful that the biggest thing we may learn about teaching and learning software and its suite of tools is that it may not be the right tool - so discussions, trials, visits to others, trainings and fact finding missions are the leg work prior to adopting a technology tool - and should be one of the first things we do....Just because we have it doesn't mean it's the best for our needs and outcomes.

Monday, October 12, 2009

A fav must read blog entry

My favortie blog entry in a log, long time
