Technology literacy: It's time to measure it
But how?
Start early, like with any literacy skills
Not necessarily in a Computer Lit class. Integrating technology reinforces tech skills as well as learning
Use gaming and virtual worlds (MUVE + multiuser virtual environments) ??? See River City
See by IBM
Use a multiple assessments and approaches starting in the eighth grade. Celebrate student learning milestones. In sum, the student needs to know their learning level and learning progress.
Or use "an actual test to determine whether students are proficient with technology or use embedded assessments to gauge students’ skills by looking at how they use technology in the context of the curriculum."
Brenda Williams, executive director of the West Virginia Department of Education’s office of technology, said she believes students first must acquire knowledge, then they must deepen that knowledge, and finally they must create new knowledge from what they have learned.
“In West Virginia, the foundation for good assessment is first providing comprehensive professional development to teachers and administrators,” said Williams.Classroom content must be engaging and include opportunities for real-life problem solving, she said, but it also must provide active data that can be used to measure students’ understanding. And educators must be taught how to interpret these data.
Teach teachers to be proficient with using technology and teaching with technology. Also, assess their learning and teaching in mulptiple ways.
In any event, it needs to be done!