Tooling with Moddle: My first experience
What is Moodle? Why Moodle?
A learning management system that enables collaborative efforts among teachers and students. It allows an interactive learning experience that engages and empowers students. In my words, it creates a stream of learning experiences that conveys a flow of the activities. That is, students can view the entire unit monitoring where its going and where it has been.
Why I will use it:
Permanency and reviewability: Because the unit and its activities is listed, students can monitor the flow of the unit. They can review content – always and anywhere.
Self-paced: Students miss class for many reasons. When a unit is designed in Moodle they can pick up where they left off at school or anywhere else. If the content is more difficult for one student than another, then they can proceed at their own pace utilizing resources on and offline for assistance. An example of this might be the presentation of a lesson that is difficult to comprehend might be reviewed via an audiocast, or video, or slide show. (The teacher would have to create this ahead of time but not necessarily since it could be created as needed. Not to mention a student that does understand could create a different way to understand the content and post it to the forums in Moodle and students can view the content there)
Anytime and Anywhere learning
Offline facilitation: Students meet with teacher throughout any teaching and learning experience to check on understanding. (This could be done via synchronous or asynchronous modes (chat) or email.
Student empowerment: Although not an advertised use, I like that fact that since students can view the learning they can also have input into the design, content, and use.