Judging a book by its podcast: Have you done this?
Troy S and I have been working on a lit trip for his Huck Finn Unit.
Visit our Wiki to see our collaboration on the unit. It is a work in progress at this point but a great illustration of how teachers can collaborate on a unit using technology tools. The benefits are obvious.
Also, Harold S and I have been establishing units. Click the link and see. Good stuff here.
Music soothes the savage beast!
Have you ever done this?
I never judge a book by its cover but I judge one from the author's podcast. I believe a book finds you - which might explain why I read many genres. Since many of the books I read come from articles and peer reviews -reviews from people sharing their thoughts on message boards or blogs -and not on Amazon and not from an excerpt - I usually 'find' what might quench my interest. Today, I listen to author podcasts - usually an interview from accredited sources like NPR - and decide if I 'like' the author. I know its as weak as looking at a cover and refusing to read it - but its a glorified way of doing it. The latest book that found me 'Musicophilia' lead me straight to NPR's podcast. Sometimes I look for an authors website and make a comment on their message board hoping they will comment on my post. This is cool. And if they don't respond, then I will not read their book- kidding! Imagine doing this with your students, especially if they develop an online relationship with a famous author. Talk about engaging the reader.
Listen to George Lucas . I think he knows what he is talking about.
Read this statement Warlick found: (click link for enitre article)