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Strike a pose! Click on image and then click on "squares" on their faces. How might you use this in the classroom?
Visit Mike from Gslc's Toon Doo
More important than dispensing information to your students is teaching them how to manage their learning - the latter being the more difficult to do. Since NCLB and the creation of national and state standards the rush has been on to complete these standards as though they were part of a check-off list. Standardization of education stymies creative teaching and learning thus there is a struggle between adopting constructivist teaching styles and dispensing traditonalist styles of teaching (read ...Blame Standardized tests). A compromise, however, emerges when one decides to focus on the quality of learning.
From ESchool News "Ed-tech groups issue urgent call to action. New report aims to spark leadership on educational technology."
From PBSTeachers "'The controversial Federal E-rate program allocates money from telecommunication taxes to poor schools without technology resources. Some statistics suggest 100,000 or more schools have been provided with Internet connectivity and additional computers."
From Presidential candidate Jonathan Edwards: "It means that while half of urban and suburban households have broadband, less than a third of rural homes do. It means that African Americans are 25 percent less likely to have Internet access at home than whites. The Internet has been an engine of innovation and opportunity – one that started in America and then revolutionized the world. Yet, here at home, too many are denied access to it, including 40 percent of rural Americans.